I am a Ph.D. candidate in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Tennessee of Knoxville, where I am advised by Jason Hayward and Richard Riedel (at ORNL). I am also pursuing an M.S. in Computer Engineering concurrently, advised by Nicole McFarlane. Prior to graduate school, I received my B.A. in Physics and a minor in Nuclear Engineering at UC Berkeley.

My current research involves developing an imaging system that allows humans to see things they cannot see with their naked eyes. To do this, my detector converts particle radiation (e.g. $\gamma$-ray, x-ray, neutron) into visible light, which is then processed as electrical signals.

My research spans from radiation detection, modeling and simulation, readout electronics, embedded systems, data acquisition software development and data analytics. In the future, I am interested in developing smart sensors and imaging devices by leveraging artificial intelligence.


  • Data analytics
  • Applied Machine Learning
  • Sensor Development


  • Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering, 2022

    University of Tennesse, Knoxville

  • M.S. in Computer Engineering, 2021

    University of Tennesse, Knoxville

  • B.A. in Physics, 2016

    University of California, Berkeley
