nuclear cross-section

Possible evidence of nonstatistical properties in the $^{35}$Cl(n,p)$^{35}$ cross section

The $^{35}$Cl(n,p) and $^{35}$Cl(n,α) cross sections at incident neutron energies between 2.42 - 2.74 MeV, were measured using the Berkeley High Flux Neutron Generator. The cross sections for $^{35}$Cl(n,p) were more than a factor of three to five …

Design, construction, and characterization of a compact DD neutron generator designed for $^{40}$Ar/$^{39}$Ar geochronology

A next-generation, high-flux DD neutron generator has been designed, commissioned, and characterized, and is now operational in a new facility at the University of California Berkeley. The generator, originally designed for $^{40}$Ar/$^{39}$Ar dating …

Compilation of the 'Atlas of Gamma-rays from the Inelastic Scattering of Reactor Fast Neutrons' (1978DE41) by A.M. Demidov, L.I. Govor, Yu. K. Cherepantsev, M.R. Ahmed, S. Al-Najjar, M.A. Al-Amili, N. Al-Assafi, and N. Rammo

A Structured Query Language (SQL) relational database has been developed based on the original $(n,n'gamma)$ work carried out by A.M. Demidov et al., at the Nuclear Research Institute in Baghdad, Iraq ['Atlas of Gamma-Ray Spectra from the Inelastic …